Monday, December 7, 2009

Character of the Day: Basket Monster


So I think that this new character must have something to do with your OBSESSION with Scooby Doo. It was hilarious watching you attack Daddy and trying to scare me. Of course we played the part.

I love nights like tonight with you.

O Crimmus Tree


A little bit of culture never hurt anyone.

I took you to see your first play. Seussical the Musical as performed by the Stephens County High School Drama Club. I was shocked that you didn't want to sit in the very back of the theatre. I chose that spot carefully, being attentive to how easy it would be make a discreet exit if necessary. However, how silly of me. You wanted to sit up front, as close to the stage as possible.We were close enough (2nd row) to the wings that you even got to experience meeting the Cat in the Hat before he went onstage! You loved it! You were so engrossed in the action of the musical that I can't wait to take you to another! I was able to snap this picture before the lights went down. I took one but was lucky enough to capture the look in your eyes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eating Spiders

So apparently, you have been eating spiders. You have been repeating this fact for days now! I'm almost starting to believe you. Your father and I think you are just fascinated by the creepy things. Anyway, I bought you these stickers with the hope that they would entice you to potty train... not so much my stubborn little man. They do look rather spooky on my fridge though! After we got them all posted, you insisted I take your picture. But before you would stand next to them, you had to grab your 'phone'. You then began to pretend you were telling someone on the phone that you were taking a picture with the spiders. I'm amazed at the detail in your imagination!

This next photo, you came and stood next to me and then in a way I can only describe as a "Jeff Lewis Demand" you insisted I go and stand next to the fridge.

I helped you with this photo above and then you insisted you do it yourself, hence the blurry photo of me below. Not so bad for the 15th try!

And then to end with my favorite pose of yours. Cutie Pie! 



Monday, September 14, 2009

Pumpkins & Spiders

His first pumpkin. "Punkin"

You insisted today that we purchase a punkin at Ingles. Not just any pumpkin, but the biggest and most mishapen one sitting in the row! And who needs knives and scarry faces? Sharpee's and spider stickers do the trick!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fish Hatchery

Who knew that Goats on a Roof would be so remarkably entertaining!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Always a good time at Mimi and Poppy's

Aiden posing with Poppy's new garden! What a perfect representation... of both!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009