Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dear Aiden

 It’s been a long time since your Mommy or I have posted anything here. 
A lot has happened in the last year and a half.  You have grown so much and have become such a smart, funny, wise, and very vocal little man.  There have also been many changes in your young life.  Living situations have changed and people have come and gone.  Your Mommy and Daddy are no longer together and that makes me incredibly sad.  Not only for you, but also for them, and for me.  After all, I lost a daughter, too.  It’s been a tough time for all of us.  I've held you while you cried, but despite everything, you have managed to remain your sweet awesome self…….and almost always smiling.

I’m so grateful that everyone is still friends and that your Daddy, Poppy and I still get to spend so much time with you. I pray that we can continue to be a part of your life and watch you grow into a fine young man.  You are the light of our lives. I thank God daily that he sent you to us. No matter what happens, you will always be my favorite little guy. And always remember my promise to you that if or when you ever need me, I’ll be there for you.  I love you, Sugar Booger.  Mimi

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I love it! ^^ You have a great blog, mind to follow each other? :)

    PS: I don't post shits... :p

    See you soon on my blog!
